Monday, March 24, 2014

Strange Days

A picture says a thousand words!
Hello dear readers and apologies for my absence. I have just emerged from a very strange, unsettling past week, filled with work stress and stops and starts with my Optifast products. I know the program won't work if I don't stick to a full fast and my limited dinner out Wednesday nights. So I'm frustrated and confused and really understanding now how challenging this is Optifasting the second time around.

I do have all of my products in plain sight in the kitchen so I am constantly reminded about the cost of the program. That works to keep me compliant most of the time. But the problem crops up at dinnertime, when I find myself wanting to eat the wonderful things I cook every night for my husband. I have been giving in for the past two week-ends and subsequently my body won't kick back into ketosis.

So why don't I just throw in the towel and give up?

Well, hmm. Folks, I really do like the products and I like how I feel when I settle into my fasting routine. I love feeling "de-toxed" and having all of that "junk" out of my system. I like setting a goal and working towards it, step by step, until I reach the finish line. I believe patience is a virtue. All of this lends itself to successful compliance to the Optifast program.

Yet I am undermining myself -- consciously -- over and over again. I wish this would stop. Am I entering the world of yo-yo dieting? I sure hope not. Don't want to go there. I started the full fast anew today. Undoubtedly, I'm going to have a few rough days to come, but I am a pro at handling this. I have also opened up to my Optifast Facebook friends and they are giving wonderful support and encouragement. I'm definitely not alone -- some others fasting again are struggling too.

One foot in front of the other, Melissa. Never Give Up. Never Give Up. Never Give Up. And as always, One Day At A Time.

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